100 Ways to Repeat a Song

Learn it.
Explore it.
Change it.

1. Add actions to lyrics
2. Replace lyrics with sounds
3. Replace lyrics with actions
4. Replace lyrics with silence
5. Identify how many times specific words are sung
6. Identify rhyming words in the lyrics
7. Identify events in the lyrics
8. Discuss what specific words might mean
9. Discuss what the song is about
10. Change the lyrics

11. Listen to a live or recorded performance of the song
12. Join in singing
13. Sing without the teacher
14. Sing in small groups
15. Sing solos
16. Sing in a microphone
17. Record the singing
18. Sing parts of the song with inner hearing (follow a cue)
19. Sing the entire song with inner hearing while performing actions
20. Sing on a neutral syllable

Beat & Meter
21. Show the beat while singing
22. Show the beat while listening
23. Show the beat through movement
24. Show the beat through body percussion
25. Show the beat with props (balls, hoops, etc.)
26. Play the beat on an instrument (drums, rhythm sticks, etc.)
27. Copy how someone else is showing the beat
28. Show the micro-beats, macro-beat, or every other beat
29. Show the meter with different levels of body percussion
30. Conduct the pattern

31. Tap or clap (etc.) the rhythm
32. Play the rhythm on an instrument (drums, rhythm sticks, etc.)
33. Combine beat actions with rhythm actions (clap the rhythm while walking)
34. Half of the class do one thing while the other half does a different thing
35. Identify specific rhythms in the song
36. Do actions on or play specific rhythms as they occur in the song
37. Guess the tune from the rhythm
38. Say all or parts of the rhythm using solfege
39. Clap the rhythm from rhythm notation
40. Write the rhythms (dot the rhythm in boxes)

41. Show the melodic contour (with hands, etc.)
42. Identify highest or lowest notes with actions, etc.
43. Draw the melodic contour
44. Sing all or parts the song with solfege syllables
45. Sing all or parts of the song with solfege hand signs and/or hand staff
46. Sing all or parts of the with solfege arm signs
47. Adapt solfege hand and arm signs with a partner or as a class
48. Guess the tune from solfege
49. Play the song on a musical instrument
50. Sing the tune from melodic notation

51. Sing the song with harmonic accompaniment (incl. recordings)
52. Play a harmonic accompaniment from a chord chart
53. Improvise rhythmic accompaniments (rhythmic, melodic, harmonic)
54. Sing as a round
55. Sing as a partner song
56. Add spoken ostinatos
57. Add sung ostinatos and descants
58. Add an introduction or coda
59. Write rhythmic accompaniments in box notation
60. Arrange the song

61. Have a director determine loud and soft
62. Write in dynamics as a class or individually
63. Sing in a different timbre (like a mouse, nasal, opera, etc.)
64. Play “follow that timbre” by sounding like the one-who-is-it
65. Sing the song sadly, happily, etc.
66. Explore different tempos (fast and slow)
67. Speed up or slow down
68. Act out or dramatize a part
69. Change the key
70. Let individual students choose the beginning pitch

71. Change the beat placement on each phrase
72. Demonstrate phrases through movement
73. Follow a contour map for phrases
74. Follow an icon map for phrases
75. Follow a movement map for phrases
76. Draw a map of the song while singing it
77. Follow the maps of other students
78. Sing while looking at a sequence chart or book
79. Place rhythm or melodic maps in correct order
80. Re-arrange the parts of the song using an icon map

81. Develop a new way to play the game alone
82. Develop a new way to play the game with a partner
83. Develop a new way to play the game in a group or as a class
84. Make up a circle dance
85. Make up a line dance
86. Make up a hand-clapping game or hand-jive
87. Make up a movement sequence with props
88. Sing the song in a different body position (lying down, for example)
89. Accumulate actions in a song (She’ll be Coming ‘Round the Mountain, Rig a Jig Jig)
90. Use the same movement sequence for a different song

Listen & Discuss
91. Take turns being an audience member or a performer
92. Listen to a recording of the song
93. Give feedback
94. Develop rules for games as needed
95. Talk about who might sing this and why
96. Discuss the historical context for the song
97. Discuss the cultural context for the song
98. Adapt the song to another subject area (songs-that-teach)
99. Teach the song to someone else

100. Figure out another way to repeat the song . . .